Thursday, February 27, 2020

Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coursework Example This is something that is very much costly as it has been seen where some clients left the company in question and went to the competing company. In relation to the above case, there is a need of reviewing some of the policies in relation to the employee access to data and the revealing of information to parties that are not associated with the firm. There are some proposed policy changes that might just go a long way in preventing a repeat of the same from happening. Some of these include: 1. Termination or revoking of whatever access tools the terminated employee might be having in relation to the company’s database. 2. Wiping away of all the log files that may be related to the employee who has left the firm. 3. Instituting rules and regulations that have legal implications in the event that there is flaunting of these rules and this is in particular regard to the sensitive nature which information may be characterized. Company records prove to be something that is rather v ital for the survival of a particular firm. For this reason there has to be the devising of some policies that will bring about the safeguarding of this information. One of the policies that may be of focus in this case is the development of log files which will enable the administrator to keep track of the employee activities in the system. These files will bring to light what that particular employee has done in the system and what information he or she has accessed. In addition to this it provides tracks such that there will be evidence available when it is needed. Assignment 3 The issue of logging user activities in systems has become something that is of the essence to most organizations that are after the safeguarding of the information which they possess. In this particular case having a deeper understanding of just what logging entails will be something that is rather important in a bid to understanding the importance of the matter. These log files come up in various systems and means of access that may be there to the users of computers. Some may be in relation to the websites which these users access while others may be in relation to the information on the system which these same users access at times. The development and application of the log files will be dependent on the type of environment that the particular user is in. Some of the logfiles may be in the online environment while others are just used in the typical database. The language used in their development will also depend on the language that the environment is founded on. These may be web-based languages such as PHP and HTML while others may be reliant on the database systems such as My SQL. Some of these logging utilities come with the system upon purchase while at the same time there are those that are custom made for the purpose of meeting the specific firm requirements. Of these it is more advantageous to come up with a system that can provide the tracking and warnings or notificat ions in the event that the set barriers are violated. This is where developing of the logs as opposed to their purchase is of importance. What a person can create a person can also destroy. What this means is the fact that these log files can be bypassed by whoever has a critical knowledge of just how good they work. It will be particularly hard to develop a

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Clean and Sober Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Clean and Sober - Essay Example This is rarely in a recreational manner. In fact, for addicts it is clear that their use of drugs has dominated their lives and is dramatically affecting how they perform their day to day activities as well as the most important relationships in their lives (Blum, 2). For Daryl it is clear he needs cocaine in order to go about his daily business. He meets a woman in a bar and does cocaine with her. It is evident that this is the only way he can have relationships with people, the only thing that makes his life worth living. It consumes his thoughts. He wants friends to send him cocaine, he wants cocaine to be the biggest part of his life. He has no real esteem from his work, only from the drugs he uses. The same is true of Charlie, who is also addicted. You can see how small her life has become because of her addiction and how trapped she is in the vicious circle that is her dependence. Not only does it harm you physically, but it brings into your life people who have a very negative impact. Her husband is abusive and life with him is like riding a roller-coaster. She is made very vulnerable by her addiction and is easy to exploit. Daryl is a little different in that he is exploited by himself not by others. He does serious damage to his career by stealing and is a very difficult person to control. A serious problem relating to addiction is that it affects the way you behave. You become irresponsible and disinhibited. You don't know why you do the things you do, you just do them. This often has serious consequences and often leads to a downward spiral. All that really separates us from the animals is our sense of cause and effect: if we are disinhibited we no longer care about what happens because of what we do. In the film, this is evident at several moments. One of the most significant is near the beginning when Daryl realizes the girl in his bed has had a heart attack. He tries to hide the evidence of the drug use, an act which reveals how disinhibited he is . He should simply take responsibility for his actions and tell the police the truth. Another example is how he embezzles nearly one hundred thousand dollars from his employer. This action has severe consequences but he doesn't seem to care at the time. He can't think through from one step to the next. It is clear that addiction is a serious social problem that affects many people. The rehab centre is proof of this. The relationships between Charlie and her husband is definitely evidence of this. Their co-dependency is a perfect illustration of how addiction can be a social disease (Lawson, 12). Both of these two people reinforce one another's addiction, making things much worse for both of them. People with this kinds of addictions need real professional help (Boyd, 20). Each of the characters in this film have roles to play. Daryl is clearly the self-destructive type, who has trouble realizing the consequences of his actions. He is facing down a lot of demons. Richard is the wise therapist-figure who has seen it all. He is very supportive, the kind of person an addict comes to for help. Charlie and her husband are co-dependents who are destroying one another. Each of these roles interact in the film in interesting ways. For example, we Daryl sliding into Richard's role with regards to Charlie. In a sense, he is becoming her counsellor, trying to break the cycle of dependence she shares with her husband. The treatment process